The phoenix tears CBD also known as Rick Simpson Oil (RSO). It is a cannabis oil product developed by a Canadian medical activist. This oil contains a higher level of tetrahydrocannabinol as compare to other oils. You can check Exhalewell’s CBD products and purchase online.
This is helpful in treating cancer, arthritis asthma, infection, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, depression, high blood pressure, and many other diseases. People use oil in different ways they want but it is claimed that this oil is very efficient in curing cancer. RSO is generally made with indica-heavy strains of marijuana.
This oil was created first in the year 2003 when the activist was diagnosed with skin cancer. Then he decided to treat his cancer with the help of high-THC cannabis oil. He created this oil applied it on his bumps and covered it with bandages. within four days the bumps were disappeared.
The potential benefits of Rick Simpsons oil are it can cure cancer and other chronic pains and diseases like anxiety, eating disorder, Hyperglycaemia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. All these can be treated with RSO because it has a High Level of tetrahydrocannabinol commonly known as THC.
This oil tastes bitter and more like chlorophyll. It is instructed to consume this oil by placing it on the lower gum line and allowing it to dissolve or applying this oil directly on the skin. it is advised to take the dosage of this oil in small portions thrice in a day in every 8 hours
RSO is created by using weed as its primary and main ingredients. It can be made with the help of any medical doctor who is experienced about cannabis-based medication. One should have a marijuana license to create this oil. But it is always a good idea to buy it.
Where to buy this oil
There are many online retailers and websites that sell it. One can get good oil at reasonable prices in good quantity when buying it online.
How to use it
- One can consume this oil orally in the form of capsules.
- Another method is to apply directly on skin rub this oil on the skin like any ointment.
- The sublingual method is to keep the oil drops under the tongue and let it dissolve.
It is beneficial to buy phoenix tears CBD as it can help one with treating many diseases and health issues. From skincare to treating cancer and heart health issues. This oil is claimed to be very beneficial.