We based on a particular scalp paste made entirely of Chinese and Ayurvedic ingredients. It has been cooked and brewed for hours so that your hair could indeed absorb it and be handled with the finest herbs for your face and neck or baldness problems.
A natural herbal paste created to assist you to solve scalp issues by utilizing high price herbs hand selected from the Highlands. You can easily confront baldness and white hair with this herbal shampoo and conditioner in Singapore.If you’re Looking for hair treatment in Singapore, check out Two Herbs today.IT’S 100% NATURAL AND IDEAL FOR YOUR SCALP!
Riff LimKianhong, a trichologist with 16 years of experience in the industry, founded Two Natural herbal scalp treatment in 2004. Due to the high demand for hair styling treatments and herbal hair treatments in Singapore, 2 Herbs was created. To enable anyone with scalp or hair issues to perform their hair products in Singapore regularly at an attractive cost.
Ayurvedic medicine dates back about 5000 years. They are medicinal herbs that have been shown to help individuals who have various hair problems. There are numerous hair products on the market that contain Ayurvedic herbs, indicating that it is a trustable herb for treating scalp and hair-related issues such as hair loss and trying to promote hair growth. Shampoo containing herbs such as shikakai, amla, and bringraj is popular in India. We developed a successful scalp care formula after experimenting with various Chinese and Indian herbs. And, for the last seven years, client results and first and accounts have proven the test’s success.
- Reduce Hair Fall
- Get Rid of Dead Skin Cells
- ColourGreying Hair
- Innately Enhance Hair Growth Scalp Cleansing
- Increase Blood Circulation
- Control Excess Oil
- Itching Relief
- Hair Strengthening.
It’s no secret that hair loss has evolved into aMassivelybig problem in Singapore over the decades, with several people who lose hair at an astonishing speed. As a result, they lose trust and feel less appealing than they did when they were younger.
Two Herbs provides a risk-free solution to your baldness problems!
Our hair loss care in Singapore employs only 100% Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs that are effective for people suffering from a variety of hair issues.